Word Level 2

Course Description

Students will learn intermediate Word skills. How to work with styles, work with sections and columns, format tables, print labels and envelopes, use templates, manage document revisions and use Web features.

Course Content

Lesson 1: Styles
Examining formatting
Creating styles
Modifying styles
Using Full Screen Reading view
Lesson 2: Sections and columns
Creating and formatting sections
Working with columns
Lesson 3: Formatting tables
Table formatting basics
Borders and shading
Table data Table styles
Lesson 4: Printing labels and envelopes
Lesson 5: Templates and building blocks
Template basics
Building blocks Document properties
Lesson 6: Graphics
Drawing tools
Formatting text graphically
Lesson 7: Managing document revisions
Tracking changes in a document
Working with comments
Lesson 8:Web features
Web pages

pdf Printable course details


Word Level 1

or equivalent knowledge.

Course Duration

7.5 hours

Study Methods Available

Individual Tuition

Group Training

Distance Learning


Distance Learning price
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For other prices, please contact us.

Follow-on Courses

Word Level 3

OCR Word Processing Level 2

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Further Information

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